In crime-ravaged 1980s new York, a distressed ex-cop turned unlicensed detective takes on his many harmful case, hunting down a serial killer-hitman, as well as eventually coming face-to-face with his deadliest enemy, himself, in John K. Snyder III’s graphic book adaptation of the celebrated story by Lawrence Block.
Steeped in conventional pulp, Block’s composing has a true gift for catching the art of conversation between his characters. These are the lowlifes of society, for whom block sometimes discovers redemption, however who are much more commonly among the vilest beings in human existence. Snyder’s art both encapsulates as well as elevates these rough-cut gems in a graphic, grainy, as well as moody setting that evokes the dark, noir magazine covers of the period.
Bullet points:
• Lawrence block is one of the very popular criminal offense novelists of the last 40 years, having written much more than 150 novels as well as got various awards.
• The very first graphic-novel adaptation of Block’s work!
Eight Million methods to Die
John K. Snyder III (w & a & c)
HC • FC • $24.99 • 144 pages • 6″ x 9″ • ISBN: 978-1-61377-884-5
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